About Me

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At the moment I am a junior at Guilford College. I will be studying abroad in Dundee, Scotland from January-May 2011.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

So, I'm going to Scotland!

Hello world!

Welcome to my blog! My goal of establishing this blog is so that I can document and share my anticipation, adventures, and daily life during my semester in Scotland.

For those of you who are unaware, my name is Hannah and I am a junior at Guilford College in North Carolina. I will be spending the spring semester studying at the University of Dundee, in Dundee, Scotland, UK. I love to travel. I attribute this to the many family vacations where my parents stuffed my brother and me in the car and toted us about the country. So, when I went to college, it was no question that I wanted to study abroad.

I am excited to share my trip with you! Enjoy!

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