I have been in a great mood recently, it might be due to the fact that I had a great weekend, a great start to this week, and I finally have a break from school-work. Let me backtrack a little and fill you all in on last week since I realize it has been a while since my last post.
Last Monday I had to turn in my first film paper. I wrote it about the femme fatale in Film Noir, and I think I did alright. In the end it may have ended up being a rant about how men are easily manipulated by women, and how women can be downright evil. I will have to let you know how I did on it. Anyway, after turning my paper in I relaxed a little by laying in my bed all afternoon and watching t.v. on my laptop. It was a much needed break. Oh, I also managed to make home-made potato chips (or crisps depending on where you are) as seen below! I hope to bring this new talent back to the states!
The break did not last very long because I had to get started working on my history paper that I had to turn in yesterday. I decided to write about immigration to Britain during the 1960s and why it became such a big problem. I concluded that basically, up until this time, Britain was very used to people leaving it that when there was a huge influx of immigrants the government and people did not know what to do. So, after working my buns off on this paper, I turned it in yesterday and it was such a great feeling. There is nothing like turning in a big assignment and being able to relax!
Over the weekend was my flatmate Minna's 22nd birthday. Friday night we had a rather large party at our flat for her. It was very fun, complete with lots of people, some snacks, lots of drink, and lots of fun! It was a great night for everyone! Saturday was her actual birthday and I told her I would bake something for her. She said she loved carrot cake and luckily for her, I happen to make one heck of a carrot cake. So, Saturday morning, I cleared a corner in our VERY messy kitchen/living room and made Minna a delicious cake! It turned out very well and she loved it!
Christina, Minna, and me before going out last week for a pre-birthday-mid-week celebration.
Minna's delicious carrot cake.
After cake baking on Saturday, I spent much of the day relaxing and watching movies with Christina, Minna, and Greg. Oh yes, we also had to clean up our flat...boy was that a task. Saturday evening, I went out to dinner with Lauren and Esther. We decided to have a lazy family potluck this week since all three of us were busy writing our history papers. We went out to this burger place called Ketchup. It is really good and I can't wait to take Tucker there when he is here visiting in May. I had a chicken sandwich and onion rings! Over dinner we discussed what we wanted to see while we were in Paris. We decided to go to Versailles, the Louvre, and the Great Canadian Pub, among other things. I will have to fill you in on what we actually did next week.
Sunday and Monday was spent in the library finishing up my history paper. By Monday night I was done except for having to re-read it and make needed corrections. I finished these up yesterday morning before my class at 9. I was finally done with it!!
Let me just say that yesterday was an amazing day!! First of all let me say that no matter how bad your day is, if it is sunny then it is automatically way better. But I didn't have to rely on the sun to make my day great because it was wonderful all on its own. After classes yesterday, I met Esther and we went and turned in our history papers. We then went to a park and sat on a blanket in the sun and had some great conversation.
Sunny Scotland!!
Esther and me basking in the sun!
I like to call this picture "Toes and the Tay" because you can see the river Tay in the background.
Oh hey big house thing that looks like a castle...and probably actually is a castle.
After the park I had to get ready to go to a meeting about a service site I plan on volunteering at. It is called Advocating Together and basically it provides a facility and a means for adults who have disabilities to come together and hold advocacy groups. It is really cool because three of the group members, who have disabilities, sit on the City of Dundee council meetings and voice their opinions and the feelings of the advocacy groups. The organization is really about showing people that people who have disabilities are just like anyone else and they deserve to have their voice heard. The meeting went really well and I am excited to start in a few weeks and get to know the Dundee community a little better!!
After my meeting I skyped with Steve, one of my physics professors from Guilford, in order to get everything set up so I can skype with the whole physics department in a few weeks. It was really nice to see a familiar face and see Frank Family Science Center!! I miss that place! I also got to briefly talk to some of my physics friends because they popped their heads into the classroom and saw me on the big screen. Oh yes, when I will be skyping with the department, I will be on the giant projector screen, and my voice will be heard over the surround-sound in the classroom. Let's just say I am happy to be on this end of it because I'm not sure I would want to see my face giant on a projector screen, actually, I'm not sure I would want to see anyone's face that big.
Oh, I should probably mention one of the most exciting things that happened to me yesterday! So, as everyone knows, yesterday was March 1. This just so happens to be the date that lots of the internships for which I applied send out their offers. So I checked my email yesterday and I was happy to see that I had an offer!! I got and internship! I am very excited and I am still waiting to see if I get any other offers before I make a final decision. I will be filling you all in on that as the semester continues.
So after an amazing day, to celebrate our papers being done and the fact that we are leaving for Paris soon, Lauren, Esther, Christina, and I went out to a pub for a pre-Paris-pint! It was very fun and nice that the pub just happens to be like a block away. The four of us sat excitedly sipping our pints and discussing what we are looking forward to about our trip. Hopefully we will frequent the pub a few more times before the end of the semester. I should probably mention that I found it fun that for whatever kind of drink you got a pint of it came in the proper glass...
My Paris buddies: Esther, Lauren and Christina!
So here are the glasses...
I had a pint of Strongbow, which is a cider, fittingly it was in a Strongbow glass.
Tennents in its proper glass...
Can you guess what was in this glass??
Well, I hope you all are having great days too!! Enjoy the sunshine and the fact that spring is just around the corner and go enjoy a pint!
Until next time when I fill you in on my Paris adventure!
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